Paleolithic Diet Steps

The 6 Steps to Start the Paleolithic Diet

Step 1: Sleep is more important to lose weight than food. Follow these rules for deep sleep.

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Step 2: Remove the sugar from the juices. Even without adding sugar, a natural juice has 10 tablespoons of sugar. It is best to use these 6 drinks.

Step 3: Eat protein. These protein-rich foods will keep you hungry for longer.

Step 4: Do not worry about calories and like these good fats that DO NOT get fat

Step 5: Sun takes to regulate the third eye you have in the brain. Avoid spending all day locked up without seeing the sun because it slows down the metabolism. Use this trick to measure your metabolism at home.

Step 6: The intensity is more important than the duration of the exercise. That's why 5 minutes of this exercise is better than an hour walking.

Paleo Diet Menu

In the menu of the Paleo Diet you can eat all the foods that have been hunted, such as meat and fish. Also those that have been collected, such as eggs, nuts, herbs, vegetables, fruits and seeds. Drinks available in the Paleolithic era, such as water and tea, are recommended. Alcoholic beverages are not allowed as fermentation was a more modern discovery.

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