Paleolithic Diet Menu

Paleolithic Diet with Weekly Menu That Can Save Your Life

The paleo diet also known as Paleolithic diet or Paleolithic diet is based on an emulation of the feeding carried out by our hunter-gatherer ancestors. This diet includes whole foods, which are not processed. The human beings of modern society are genetically the same as our ancestors. Our ancestors ate whole foods, which they hunted or picked up, and they did not suffer from diseases that we do today, obesity, diabetes and heart disease. Our Paleolithic ancestors thrived on a variety of diets, depending on what was available at any given time. Some ate a low carbohydrate diet and high in animal foods, others a high carbohydrate diet, mostly from plants. Let's see in this article the basis of the paleo diet, take it as a general guide, you can adapt it to your own needs. Avoid: Processed foods, sugar, soda, cereals, most dairy products, legumes, artificial sweeteners, vegetable oils, margarine and Trans fats.  Once the protein is placed in the dish, we will fill the rest with vegetables. At most 1 piece of fruit per meal (if you want to lose weight, I recommend not overindulging fruit). Take as a reference the size of your thumb, in total.

As I said, these are recommendations as to the amounts, but I think it is important not to go hungry, especially when you are struggling against the anxiety of not eating sugar and bread. The general recommendation, to me seems little protein. So I want to insist that you do not go hungry. If you want to throw a little more meat or fish to the plate, throw it out. The Paleolithic Diet is so good that just achieving these steps is enough. It is the only one that, instead of being created by a doctor, was created by nature. That is why its main effect is to recover health.

What is the Paleolithic Diet? For millions of years you had to hunt and gather to eat. Although the body of our cave ancestors is the same as ours, its food was replaced by bread, rice, other cereals and sugar, since agriculture was invented a few thousand years ago. Humans in warm areas are black to protect themselves from the sun. It is undeniable that our body adapted to the environment and surely to food. Our body has been designed by evolution to eat foods from the Paleo Diet or Paleolithic Diet.

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