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The Paleo Diet Nutritional Lifestyle

Commonly known as the Caveman Diet is the Paleo diet!

Stop and think about our menu and common food choices of today. Has it changed much through each generation? What about our "staples" of today?

Chances are a quick look at them from the viewpoint of our great grand-parents would be enough to shock them silly when we look at the nutritional value, the ingredients, the preservatives and also the additives in the absolute majority of today's food! But it doesn't end there! That's just the view of a few generations back! What about looking at the changes in our nutrition and food choices from further fact, way, way back to the simple hunter gatherer days of our ancestors?

In a return to a menu containing far less processed and man-made food, the Paleo diets main purpose is in improving the quality of our modern-day diet which has become significantly tainted.

The Paleo diet comes from the ideals that many of today's allergies, medical conditions and genes stem from the distance we have moved away from the life conditions through our evolution from caveman to now - a period of more than a million years.

It could be easily argued that many of today's nutritional and food health problems come from the fact that our bodies are not fully equipped to deal with the types of food we eat today. Even though our species has been around for what seems like forever, the human race has only been cultivating plants and farming for approximately 10,000 years.

10,000 years may seem like a long time but it is still not enough for humans to adapt our physiology and metabolism to different lifestyles. This relates specifically to our consumption of dairy products, many grains and also legumes. Our bodies and systems simply have not had the required time for our genes and physiology to adapt to eating these kinds of foods and as a result, today's society is rife with digestive and other dietary problems caused by consuming these types of foods. Just one common condition, lactose intolerance, has never been higher and I am sure you probably know several people with this troublesome condition.

But what exactly is the Paleo diet and its associated lifestyle?

At its most basic explanation, this diet is focused primarily on the eating habits of a typical caveman! Specifically, this means plenty of healthy fresh fruit and vegetables as well as lots of lean meats and proteins.

A major part of this diet however is what you are not allowed or supposed to eat and that means pretty much staying away from all processed and refined foods. A common message among those following the Paleo diet is that if it comes in a box, don't eat it! It sounds quite simple doesn't it?

The Paleo diet is certainly not a choice less menu and there are countless foods available and on offer within its parameters. Lean cuts of meat are a crucial feature of this diet and for those who are keen; you can also still eat a few of the organ meats like tongues and liver - like I said - if you are keen!

No dairy is also a big one and as briefly touched on above; dairy creates many a nutritional and health problem especially in those that are inflicted with Lactose intolerance and irritable bowel syndrome.

Eggs, a favorite of many, are definitely on the menu however it is still a good idea to only limit you to 6 or less eggs a week.

The Paleo eating plan also allows great freedom in the range of nuts. Although people will tell you nuts are too fatty, nuts are a great source of the good kind of fats - mono-unsaturated, and can also help to lower cholesterol as opposed to raising it!

Nuts have also been credited in reducing the risks of breast cancer as well as other forms of cancer and can also help reduce the risks of heart disease - another massive killer of our unhealthy population.

On the cons side when it comes to nut consumption, many people use Paleo meals and nutrition to lose weight. Nuts certainly do contain calories so they should be enjoyed only in moderation however as you continue your efforts on this diet you will surely see increases in your metabolism which of course means that you will be able to eat more nuts and enjoy what they can do for you without gaining weight.

As said above regarding staying away from all foods that come in a box, while this is good general advice for this diet, there are also heaps more bad foods that should be avoided while on the Paleo diet.

Again, referring back to what the caveman had available to him sweet, sugary drinks are also a big no-no. In fact, sugar is pretty much off limits entirely! Sugar while sweet and tasty, is perhaps one of the biggest causes of obesity, diabetes and other major heart and health problems simply because of its abuse in modern nutrition. Once there may have been a time where sugar was used within reasonable guidelines however today, sugar is rampant and is often in scary levels in our foods. You would also be amazed at some of the levels of added sugar in some of our foods that you would not even think had sugar or its associated by-products within it. Sugar products to avoid also include syrups and other sweeteners.

Grains are also not allowed while on the Paleo diet and that also includes all food products made with grains. Foods such as pancakes, cookies, pasta, rolls are all a no go for consumption when following the Paleo. Foods from the dairy cabinet like cream, butter and cheese are also off-limits.

In reading this, you may think that a diet such as the Paleo is extremely limited in its food and drink choices and there is no 100% denial of that assumption. As you look a little deeper however and explore the many options available, you will find that there are plenty of choices, recipes, cookbooks and more that now support the Paleo way of life

But let's not forget the many benefits you can gain for being on this diet that can more than make up for the sacrifices you have made!

Weight loss is a real factor when following this diet as there is a heavy focus on high-protein meals. Studies have shown that an average person following a high-protein diet over six months without even increasing their levels of physical activity can lose anywhere between 10 to 15 pounds and more. Combine this high protein with increased activity and exercise and the weight loss is multiplied even further!

This factor alone makes following the Paleo diet a great choice for anyone who wants to get healthier and drop some weight! Don't forget however the other amazing health benefits associated with this diet. Finally people have the ability to rid themselves of many of the nutritional health problems and ailments caused by eating foods your body just can't handle!

Nutritional choices like the Paleo diet, Paleolithic nutrition and even others like the blood type diet are not always the favored option when it comes to eating a rich variety of foods especially those that are yummy but are not good for you. However, when you stack up the benefits you can potentially gain, it all comes down to working out what you want most out of your life and what you are willing to do to get it.

Is the Paleo Diet Safe?

As with any new, or newly popular, diet, it has become common for people to question whether the Paleo Diet is safe. The Paleo diet is, of course, a way of eating based on the diet of Paleolithic Man, the hunter gatherer, or caveman. So what is the answer? Are we right to question it, and is the Paleo Diet safe or is it just another potentially dangerous fad?

Low carbohydrate diets

The first possible objection to the Paleo way of eating is based largely on a misconception, the idea that it is a low carb diet. The Paleo Diet certainly shares some similarities with the well know, and perhaps infamous, Atkins Diet. Like Atkins, Paleo suggests high fat and protein intake and includes far less carbohydrates than we are generally used to eating.

Unlike the Atkins diet, however, the Paleo Diet does not seek to restrict carbohydrate intake, and it is that extreme restriction that can case problems and, potentially, be dangerous. If you deliberately, and greatly, restrict your carbohydrate intake in order to remain in ketosis, the major aim of the Atkins diet and its process of weightloss, then you really do need to be careful. This method, if attempted at all, is probably best supervised by a medical professional, it can certainly produce some side effects that are unpleasant. This is not to say that it's not effective, for it does seem to get results, but there's really nothing to suggest that this is how we are naturally meant to eat.

So, rather than being deliberately low in carbohydrates, the Paleo Diet just tends to be so because it removes grains, sugars and potatoes, the major sources of carbohydrate in most people's diets. When you take those staple foods out of the equation, most people who try the paleo diet find themselves looking for ways to get more carbohydrates, not restrict their intake. But is the paleo diet safe in terms of this lower carbohydrate intake? Yes, because it is a diet based on a balance of nutritionally rich foods, not on the idea of restriction.

High fat diets

The other major objection to the Paleo Diet, on medical grounds, is the encouragement to eat lots of protein and fats. The concern, of course, is the increase in cholesterol and the idea that eating all that fat is going to cause you to gain weight. This is, however, NOT TRUE. The capitalisation is entirely justified as this is such a major, and yet common, mistake! There is research, and plenty of it, though far beyond the scope of this article, to show that it is not eating fats that causes you to gain weight but carbohydrates. Refined sugars and grains, wheat in particular, are the worst offenders here.

As ever, it's best to do your own research, but you won't need to look far to find plenty of evidence that eating fat and protein, and plenty of it, is a good thing; it's certainly not the reason that people put on weight. This shouldn't be taken as carte blanche on fatty foods - they're not ALL good, but the ones that are may come of something of a surprise. Again, it's beyond the scope of this article, but let's just say: butter, eggs and fats from pastured, grass fed animals is all very good for you. But beware those vegetable oils - if you have to do any more than squeeze something to get the oil out of it, be suspicious! So, olive oil is good - corn, palm and soy oils are not. The Wikipedia pages for those oils make for some interesting reading - you might want to learn more before putting any more of those in your body!

So is the Paleo Diet safe or not?

It does seem a little ironic that people will question the wisdom of something like the Paleo Diet but happily continue eating refined sugars, modified starches and hexane extracted, hydrogenated oils that really have no place in the food-chain of any animal, let alone on human plates. And yet, of course, there is the illusion of safety in the known.

It's true to say that Westerners in general, and Americans in particular, are more overweight and less healthy than has been the case for many decades, if ever. Should you be tempted to question this just take a look at some of the magazine advertisements and posters from the 1950s - skinny, not fat, was considered to be a problem in those days! So, rather than asking 'is the paleo diet safe?', you might, perhaps, be wondering how safe your current diet is!

The Paleo Diet is one based on natural balance. It's a very different balance than the one we've been taught for years, but it is balanced, it is not a diet of extremes. You should view with suspicion any diet that calls for extreme actions, especially if it involves restricting certain food groups, such as carbohydrates or fats. Nature loves balance, and will generally have it one way or another!

So, are you still asking Is the Paleo Diet Safe? Perhaps the best answer is simply to try it for yourself. When you notice how good you start to feel, how weight naturally drops off if you need it to, and how much energy and vitality you have, there will be a clue. If you see skin conditions, aches and pains and digestive problems disappearing then you may well be asking not whether the Paleo Diet is safe but why you didn't get round to trying it sooner!

What Kind of Foods Are Allowed on the Paleo Diet?

A starting point to some of the foods allowed on the Paleo diet.

There is not a diet in existence that does not have its fair share of rules, regulations and guidelines relating to the types, quantities and portions of food and drink within it. You may have heard terms like Palaeolithic nutrition, the Caveman diet, and the hunter gatherer diet for example. This nutritional lifestyle is more commonly known as the Paleo diet lifestyle and it too certainly has rules and guiding principles to live it effectively.

The very basic principles of this eating style is all about going back to the very roots of our ancestry and following the eating and nutritional habits of what was available to the caveman, then applying those same principles to our modern-day food choices and availability.

When you really sit back and look at it, our advances in technology, farming, processing and agriculture while definitely beneficial in many areas has taken us (and our digestive system) away from pure eating and nutrition. The caveman and our early ancestors were hunters and gatherers and always ate the freshest of fruits and vegetables supplemented ideally by a variety of lean meats. If you follow the recommended foods of the Paleo diet and stay away from the discouraged foods you can give yourself a great chance of attaining optimal health and nutrition.

So then, taking the lead that the allowed foods while on this diet are based on the nutrition available to the caveman, a very big no-no are processed or packaged foods. Also on the Paleo diet "stay away from" list are those fatty type meats which can taste great but unfortunately do our bodies and health no good at all. Foods like pork sausage, bacon, pepperoni, chicken wings, processed deli meats, spam, breakfast sausage, fatty pork and lamb chops as well as the skin of turkey and chicken should all be avoided. Obesity and heart disease is at record levels worldwide and fatty meats can claim a great deal of responsibility for this especially when over eaten.

Cavemen also did not consume any grains or wheat because they lived in the age before agriculture. Unless it was already growing naturally, it was not eaten. Gluten is fast becoming a major contributor to digestive and nutritional problems and ailments therefore all types of food containing gluten are NOT on the Paleo diet "allowed foods" list. Watch out for the false security offered up by those alleged "gluten-free" grains as they are still not endorsed for the Paleo diet. Not only are other grains on the do not eat list but all other byproducts of their processing. What this means is that grains like barley, corn, millet, oats, rice, rye, wheat, and wild rice as well as all products made from them such as amaranth, bread, buckwheat, cakes, cookies, corn chips, corn on the cob, corn starch, corn syrup, donuts, flat bread, muffins, pasta, pancakes, pita bread, pizza, quinoa, rice cakes, rice flour, rice noodles, rice pudding, rolled oats, rolls, rye crackers, and tortillas are all NOT on the approved foods list. For many people, the limitation of these types of foods is very hard but what is important to remember is the benefits this "sacrifice" will deliver to your body and therefore your life!

We have spoken much about the limitations and Paleo diet plan foods that are not on the approved list. The good news however is the Paleo diet DOES have many foods that can be eaten and enjoyed. As is everything worthwhile in life, persistence and understanding is paramount to success and those that have truly stuck to the Paleo diet and embraced it have found a much greater and enjoyable variety of meals and foods available to them than what they might have first imagined.

We know that the Cavemen did not eat dairy however eggs are certainly on the menu. A great favorite of many on the Paleo diet is a delicious two egg omelette containing plenty of fresh produce such as peppers, onions, tomato and mushrooms. When feeling peckish, snacks of fresh fruit and vegetables are a great option for absolutely everybody and that includes those following the Paleo. We have an amazing, endless variety of fresh fruit available to us and vegetables like raw carrots, capsicums, cucumber and celery are all refreshing to eat, yummy to taste and provide many health benefits. One thing to remember - resist the urge to add sauces or condiments to your fresh fruit and vegetables. The wrong addition or amount can take away all the benefits quick as a flash!

Lean meats are a great part of the Paleo lifestyle and there are many that you can eat! The word lean though is the key! You want to be looking for meats from animals that have been grass-fed, free range or pasture raised. Where that option is not available, select the leanest cuts of meat you can find. Seafood is also a wonderful choice and option when on the Paleo diet and the available variety is magnificent!

One of the most beneficial aspects to the Paleo diet is when it comes to over eating and weight loss. Many of the weight problems we face today come from overeating. The Paleo affects this by eventually slowing your digestive process over time. This means you will feel fuller and as a result, you only eat when you are hungry. Like the caveman, you might find that you actually skip a meal. Don't worry too much about that as your body will give you the signal when it is hungry and needs fuel.

Just always remember when you do eat, to choose foods as much as you can from the encouraged Paleo diet foods category and enjoy the results and health benefits you will soon start to see! From solving digestive problems, getting rid of food and preservative allergies, feeling much fuller without snacking and of course a big one - finally losing that weight without crazy dieting!

Stick as close as you can to the foods recommended for the Paleo diet and just see for yourself what happens!

The Different Variations of the Paleo Diet

People who have tried out the Paleo Diet by Dr. Loren Cordain have ended up quitting the diet because of the severe restrictions in certain foods. Some cannot do without their intake of grains, legumes and potatoes. Others will have difficulty in meeting the large protein consumption required by the diet. There are even some who even question why you should eat larger quantities of meet, considering the high fat content.

It is because of the many questions about the plan and the demands for a less restrictive intake that variations of the Paleo Diet have been developed. While these diets still adopt the guiding principles of the original Paleo Diet, certain adjustments have been made to suit the needs and quirks of the dieter.

One such diet is the updated Paleo Solution by Dr. Cordain and Robb Wolf. Whereas before the author strictly advocated following the original Paleo guidelines, this new version allows the addition of dairy products especially for athletes who want to build muscle and gain weight. The Paleo Solution also allows intake of tubers, like yams and sweet potatoes, but still prohibits intake of potatoes.

Author Art De Vany - also known as the "Grandfather of Paleo" - based his diet plan on three guiding principles. First is the intake of 3 meals daily consisting of lean proteins, fruits and non-starchy vegetables. Second is the necessity to skip some meals occasionally to allow for a lower fasting blood glucose level. His third principle involves exercising less, not more, but they should be shorter in duration and of higher intensity (a principle that trainers have found to be the most effective in building muscles).

There are some diet plans that prohibit New World Paleo foods or foods that have been processed commercially. A good example of this plan is NeaderThin by Ray Audette. Other diet plans prohibit cooking and, in fact, advocate the consumption of approved Paleo foods raw. This is the case for the website Raw Paleolithic Diet and Lifestyle ( ). Another diet plan that advocates raw food consumption is the Wai Diet by Wai Genriuu. Here, dieters are primarily made to eat raw fish, raw eggs and raw vegetables.

Diabetic individuals will need to have a lot of discipline if they go on the No Carbohydrate or Ketogenic Diet which completely excludes all carbs. Those who have tried out this diet have shown a significant reduction in symptoms related to diabetes.

There are Paleo Diet variations that have incorporated principles from other diet plans. A good example is the Low-Carb Paleo Diet, which merges Paleo and Atkins. Unlike in pure Paleo, this diet strongly advises dieters to count their carbs and calories. There is also a high tech version of Paleo known as Paleo-CRON (CRON standing for Calorie Restriction with Optimal Nutrition). Paleo-CRON utilizes the CRON-O-Meter software to help people keep track of their diet.

Discover other Paleo diet variations that may be suitable for your health needs today!

What Is the Paleo Diet All About?

So just what is the Paleo Diet and what exactly is it all about?

Thanks to the obscene levels of obesity and rife levels of heart disease and diabetes, there has never been a greater focus on overall society to become fit, slimmer and more healthy. Dieting and nutritional lifestyle choices have become endless and it would be fair to say that dieting in one way or another is now a way of life for the majority of people. And there are so, so many diets and programs available to us these days. They cover every topic known to man on the right foods to eat and avoid and in what combination but really, upon searching deeper, we will find that the answers we seek go back to our caveman ancestors.

With this endless choice and all the varying options and rules involved in each particular diet, it pays to really understand what each diet entails before you choose one and get started. It must be right for you and give you everything you need or are looking for without causing any additional problems or side effects.

Upon investigation you will see that many popular diets restrict carbohydrates or focus on fruit and vegetables. Other diets focus on only eating a certain food group or even raw foods only. Several also restrict or discourage large amounts of protein and meats. The Paleo Diet is quite unique however because the whole idea comes from simulating the natural aspects of the type of diet enjoyed by the very first humans - the caveman! What Is The Paleo Diet?

What is the Paleo Diet and where does it come from?

Known commonly as The Stone Age, Paleo comes from the Paleolithic period of history and the Paleo diet eating plan is often known as the "Hunter Gatherer Diet." It takes its name from the fact that all the food contained in this diet were either able to be hunted or gathered. Meats and Seafood come under the hunted category meanwhile nuts, vegetables and fruits for example are categorized under gathered.

Basically, this diet stems from the fact that early humans who had no access to or knowledge of animal husbandry and agriculture, had a diet that you either hunted or gathered for yourself. The Paleo Diet applies this slant and line of thinking to modern-day foods reducing and eliminating processed and man-made foods. This does not mean you are expected to hunt and gather for yourself! Just only that the nutrition choices we make are as natural and unaltered as possible.

The base foundation of the Paleo eating plan is that humans are genetically suited to eat the foods that our ancestors consumed. Therefore, before the introduction of agriculture, nutrition and food was so much different than that of today so in short, the Paleo diet imitates the foods that every single human on earth consumed and had available at that particular time.

Not only is the Paleo eating plan full of quality, natural, high nutritional value foods such as fruits and vegetables along with seafood and lean meats but it is perhaps known better for the foods, drinks and ingredients that are not consumed by those on the Paleo Diet. As the agriculture revolution provided us with foods our early ancestors never had such as dairy products, salt, sugar and even grains, they are not allowed to be consumed. Not only do some of these ingredients and food stuffs cause digestive problems but these products have been shown through endless research that they can lead to an increase in weight and a higher chance of developing health problems such as diabetes.

Because of its high protein content the Paleo nutritional lifestyle has a large and steadily growing athlete following. Thanks to the basic foods in the Paleo diet such as chicken, fish, lean meats, nuts, fruits and vegetables it is an athlete's dream providing energy, muscle development and fiber along with the reduction of all weight gaining and physique robbing junk food and unhelpful ingredients.

Most vegetables are great for the Paleo lifestyle however root vegetables will give you the biggest bang for your buck health wise. One of the most basic reasons why the Paleo diet lifestyle is healthy for you is simply because you practically reduce all additives and artificial preservatives, many of which have been proven to be harmful to your health.

So that's the basic premise which hopefully answers your question, What is the Paleo diet eating plan all about yet you may still be questioning why you would make the significant switch to the Paleo Diet.

There are many health benefits associated with this diet and not the least of them is potential relief for allergy sufferers thanks to the fact that the Paleo is naturally allergen free. Two of the biggest causes of common allergies, gluten and casein, are commonly found in manufactured foods. Because the overwhelming majority of foods available on the Paleo diet do not contain either gluten or casein, allergy sufferers can rejoice!

But don't forget about the weight loss potential for those on the Paleo. Apart from the protein aspect which is great for weight loss alone, the Paleo diet is naturally low in carbohydrates and has a low caloric count. It is also naturally high in fiber which is a crucial factor when it comes to over eating and weight loss. The low carbohydrates combined with the high amounts of natural fiber while on this diet ensures that the risk of coronary heart disease, diabetes and other weight related illnesses and ailments is decreased.

Last but not least, this diet has none of the other big risks when it comes to heart disease and cancer like additives, sugar, salt, saturated fats and of course the big one getting a heap of exposure in recent years, hydrogenated oils or trans fats as they are commonly known.

At first glance, the Paleo Diet lifestyle can seem like a hard choice to make with limited food options however if you look closer and explore a little deeper, those fears will be addressed and upon making some small worthy sacrifices you will be bettering your chance of actually living a healthier and happier, disease free life! And just remember that as close as you can get to this lifestyle choice, the benefits will start to appear.

Like as in exercise, 5 sit-ups is better than zero and going for a 20 minute walk is better than sitting on the couch! Same thing goes for the Paleo! Although following the diet 100% is ideal, your body will still start to thank you for every single step you take in living the ideals of the Paleo Diet!

What Makes the Paleo Diet Popular?

The Paleo Diet is the most talked about healthy living diet plan in recent times. What is it? How did it become the most Google searched diet plan of 2013? It is amazing to see that there are more than 5000 e-Books about Paleo diet recipes and lifestyle on Amazon.

The world has seen many diet types: there are vegetarians, vegans, lactose free diets, meat free diets. What makes Paleo stand out? The quest is on!

Thousands of years ago, our ancestors lived on food that they hunted, fished, or gathered from their surroundings. They did not plan their meals nor did they eat three or four times a day. They ate what were readily available and within their reach.

Agriculture or cultivating food happened about 10,000 years ago. It is rather a quite recent phenomenon. Hunting for food was the only job our ancestors needed to do. They ate raw, salt less, uncooked food mainly meat, fish, fruits and vegetables from plants. Moreover, no food grains. Mind that cultivation never happened then.

The food habits of our ancestors, the cave dwellers, are what many people worldwide choose to follow now in the form of a new diet fad, 'The Paleo Diet'. A very common saying to outline the diet is 'If it doesn't fly, swim, walk or isn't green, then don't eat it."

Why go Paleo?

The Paleo diet followers have decided to go the Paleolithic way to lead a long and healthier life. It is also known as the Caveman's diet, Hunter-Gatherer diet, Stone Age diet or the Primal Blueprint Diet.

The whole point of going the Paleo way is not to exactly follow our ancestors, and this is what makes it so popular. Modern man has come a long way, and several tweaks have been made to make the diet more adaptable and acceptable.

The advocates of this diet strongly believe that it is modern lifestyle and eating habits that cause obesity, heart diseases diabetes, infertility, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and even depression.

Losing weight is a factor that attracts people to Paleo diets.

Paleo followers eat wholesome, nutrient rich food. They avoid mostly everything to do with packed and processed food, grains, salt, and dairy. The main idea is to eat food that is seasonal and fresh.

Yes! This means that all the toxic food that affects or harms your digestive and immune system are avoided. Therefore, out goes all the processed and carbohydrate rich food, and in go animal proteins and plants. Paleo advocates believe that we can sustain on this, along with few supplements if need arises.

Going Paleo means you are naturally going to avoid foods that trigger allergens. Many people are sensitive to gluten, dairy, soy, corn, refined sugar etc. In a Paleo diet, you steer clear of food containing all these, thereby suppressing your allergens.

The great thing about this diet is it allows you to stop fussing over your calories. You can stop counting your calories. You don't have to take meals four times a day, and have to eat food only when you are hungry. Food is treated simply as a fuel to get going.

The 6 Steps to Start the Paleolithic Diet

Step 1: Sleep is more important to lose weight than food. Follow these rules for deep sleep.

Rivotril Tafil sleeping pills Some patients have low serotonin by the way they sleep. That's why I prepared this sleeping treatment application so that you reach the deepest levels of sleep. Check the cell in the early morning, turn on the light when going to the bathroom at night or sleep with the TV on alter the hormones and cause you to fatten even without eating.

Step 2: Remove the sugar from the juices. Even without adding sugar, a natural juice has 10 tablespoons of sugar. It is best to use these 6 drinks.

Step 3: Eat protein. These protein-rich foods will keep you hungry for longer.

Step 4: Do not worry about calories and like these good fats that DO NOT get fat

Step 5: Sun takes to regulate the third eye you have in the brain. Avoid spending all day locked up without seeing the sun because it slows down the metabolism. Use this trick to measure your metabolism at home.

Step 6: The intensity is more important than the duration of the exercise. That's why 5 minutes of this exercise is better than an hour walking.

Paleo Diet Menu

In the menu of the Paleo Diet you can eat all the foods that have been hunted, such as meat and fish. Also those that have been collected, such as eggs, nuts, herbs, vegetables, fruits and seeds. Drinks available in the Paleolithic era, such as water and tea, are recommended. Alcoholic beverages are not allowed as fermentation was a more modern discovery.

Paleolithic Diet with Weekly Menu That Can Save Your Life

The paleo diet also known as Paleolithic diet or Paleolithic diet is based on an emulation of the feeding carried out by our hunter-gatherer ancestors. This diet includes whole foods, which are not processed. The human beings of modern society are genetically the same as our ancestors. Our ancestors ate whole foods, which they hunted or picked up, and they did not suffer from diseases that we do today, obesity, diabetes and heart disease. Our Paleolithic ancestors thrived on a variety of diets, depending on what was available at any given time. Some ate a low carbohydrate diet and high in animal foods, others a high carbohydrate diet, mostly from plants. Let's see in this article the basis of the paleo diet, take it as a general guide, you can adapt it to your own needs. Avoid: Processed foods, sugar, soda, cereals, most dairy products, legumes, artificial sweeteners, vegetable oils, margarine and Trans fats.  Once the protein is placed in the dish, we will fill the rest with vegetables. At most 1 piece of fruit per meal (if you want to lose weight, I recommend not overindulging fruit). Take as a reference the size of your thumb, in total.

As I said, these are recommendations as to the amounts, but I think it is important not to go hungry, especially when you are struggling against the anxiety of not eating sugar and bread. The general recommendation, to me seems little protein. So I want to insist that you do not go hungry. If you want to throw a little more meat or fish to the plate, throw it out. The Paleolithic Diet is so good that just achieving these steps is enough. It is the only one that, instead of being created by a doctor, was created by nature. That is why its main effect is to recover health.

What is the Paleolithic Diet? For millions of years you had to hunt and gather to eat. Although the body of our cave ancestors is the same as ours, its food was replaced by bread, rice, other cereals and sugar, since agriculture was invented a few thousand years ago. Humans in warm areas are black to protect themselves from the sun. It is undeniable that our body adapted to the environment and surely to food. Our body has been designed by evolution to eat foods from the Paleo Diet or Paleolithic Diet.

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